Database: Study 7 of 17 studies  

Parkinson’s disease - EA

First author and date Ren XQ 1999
Version consulted C
Condition Parkinson’s disease
Study type CT
N / Groupings 68 / (a) EA (41); (b) Western medication (27);
Type of acupuncture EA
Points used MA: SJ-5, GB-34, LIV-3, LI-4, xiaochan (1.5 cun ‘below’ HE-3), if deficiency of qi and Blood, adding ST-36; if yin deficiency of Liver and Kidney, adding KI-7, SP-6; if Phlegm Heat type, adding ST-40, SP-9; EA: scalp points
Parameters used 200/min (3.3 Hz), pulse intensity to patient’s tolerance
Stimulation duration 30 mins
Number of sessions course of 10 sessions, 3 courses
Follow up no details
Endpoint measure improvement rate = (score before treatment - score after treatment) / score before treatment x 100%; excellent effect: improvement rate between 51% - 100%; effective: between 25% - 50%; no effect: < 25%
Outcome in groups (a) and (b), respectively - excellent effect: 9 (22.0%) vs 1 (3.7%); effective: 24 (58.5%) vs 14 (51.9%); no effect: 8 vs 12; total effective rate: 80.5% vs 55.6%
Additional notes -
Analysis / problems -
References Ren XQ, Wang YJ, Luo MF, Yu MJ, Yang JH, Liu AH, Liu JY, Li YY, Chen LG, Chen group, Dong XT, Wang SK, Wang ZY, Wang P [Clinical and experimental studies on acupuncture treatment of Parkinsonism]. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Zhongguo Zhenjiu). 1999 Oct; 19(10): 617-9
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Data entry code JHa261